*   Bi Gu is a time-honored ancient method of receiving Cosmic Energy, aka "The Secret to the Fountain of Youth". It helps detoxify the body, lose excess weight, increase our ability to survive disasters when no food is available, enhance our ability to communicate with the Divine, & more. The benefits of Bi Gu have been proven by modern science.

*   Bi Gu Energy Healing Transmission from a qualified master, such as Master Mu, is a special healing methodology which helps us heal

  • Weight problems, anemia, acid reflux, & food allergies;
  • Low energy, diarrhea, fatigue, & poor sleep quality;
  • GERD, indigestion, diabetes, stomach diseases, gastritis, & pancreatic diseases;
  • Excessive worries, absent-mindedness, & loss of interest in life;
  • Hypertension, depression, cardiovascular & respiratory diseases.

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