Our Policy on Teaching Recordings


As a registered student in the online course, you are given unlimited access to the course recordings, and you can take the course repeatedly. Please do not download, record or reproduce our videos in any way or share the videos with anyone who is not a registered student in the course. The recordings are for your personal use only as a student. Please do not use them in any commercial way. You are not qualified to teach this course to others after having taken the course as a student. In the future, if you are interested in becoming a certified teacher, you will be welcome to apply for participation in our Certified Instructors Program when offered. You may qualify to teach this course after becoming a certified TTF instructor, as long as your certification level covers this course. Based upon Divine Guidance, this is the safe way to ensure you and the students are well protected as you may get injured if you teach something that you are not yet qualified and ready for. We trust you completely that you will honor our Foundation's policy. Thank you.

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