Monthly Empowerment Program 2 for Abundance

 Mastering Qi for More Prosperity & Abundance
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Why are we offering this Monthly Empowerment Program in 2024?

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Master Mu's live Abundance Workshops generated amazing results for participants who attended her workshops in person as well as those who attended via live streaming. 

Some examples are: more money from more clients, bonuses or raises from work, surprise gifts, unexpected opportunities, better relationships, healing from stubborn health issues, greater mental clarity, having much more energy, sleeping like a baby, great improvement from a deep depressed state, spiritual transformation, saved rent, overall sense of peace and calm leading to more abundance, much more enjoyable and fulfilling new jobs, etc.
Many participants asked Master Mu to please offer this powerful Energy Healing Transmission (an added benefit) for Abundance & Prosperity on a more regular basis to help them stay in the Flow of Abundance. Our participants also wanted to get into the habit of doing the amazing practices regularly, with the instructions from Master Mu, with a global community of like-minded and like-hearted people. 

Therefore, in January of 2017, we launched the Monthly Empowerment Program on Mastering Qi for More Prosperity & Abundance. After receiving great benefits from the Abundance Programs in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022,and 2023, our participants asked Master Mu to offer this yearly program again for 2024 so they could keep on receiving these mind-blowing results that were manifested immediately in money or other forms of abundance that came in surprises. If you are new and thus unfamiliar with the benefits, you may click Testimonials to check out the fantastic results that our participants have received, including the fast and fabulous abundance in money and other forms of enrichment from Master Mu's workshops on "Enlightened Abundance".

What does the Program entail?

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The ongoing monthly Empowerment Program on “Mastering Qi for More Prosperity & Abundance”, referred to as “Program 2”, is being offered over the course of the 14 days from the 15th to the 28th of the month each month. 

The focus is on Mastering Qi for More Money, Prosperity, Abundance, Success, Great Feng Shui for Your Home and Office, and Divine Protection. For the registered students in the program as additional value, Master Mu does special energy work remotely every day from the 15th to the 28th of the month each month of the year, to help them clear obstacles to their Energy Flow of Money and bring in More Money, Success, Abundance and Prosperity.
The participants need to tune in and mentally connect with Master Mu.

As a registered student, you can maximize the benefits that you will personally receive (as a bonus) from the Energy Healing Transmissions for Abundance, Prosperity, Great Feng Shui, and Divine Protection, and learn specific techniques and practices that have been tested and proven to be highly effective and powerful, by participating in the following way (in addition to being connected with Master Mu and the Energy Field of The Thriving Foundation during the time periods of transmission as an extra benefit): Over the course of the 14 days from the 15th to the 28th of the month each month, our registered students will receive various modules of Master Mu's teaching, in which Master Mu teaches advanced practices on how to clear obstacles to the Energy Flow of Money and attract Abundance and Prosperity, how to remove negative energies and obtain great Feng Shui at home and office, and how to receive Divine Protection. The content of each month is different, but interconnected. Master Mu’s teaching is guided by the Divine, in the same way as in her workshops and classes you may have experienced. The program is powerfully fueled with the Positive and Loving Qi of the Divine Universe.

You are welcome to email us your reports including your input, feedback, success stories, questions and requests so Master Mu can address the collective needs of the group as guided by the Divine.

The powerful techniques that Master Mu is teaching along with the Energy Healing Transmissions as an added benefit that Master Mu is channeling to the participants have been proven to be highly effective in helping people avoid costly mistakes and save many years of struggling in search for proven ways to attract abundant energy, wealth, and resources.

When you have abundance, you can serve your life purpose doing what you LOVE to do while enjoying the beautiful and blissful journey to spiritual enlightenment.

How is the Abundance Program offered?

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(1) Via Energy Healing Transmissions for More Prosperity and Abundance that Master Mu channels for the participants as an added benefit: Master Mu takes in the participant's information, energy, condition, and needs deeply into her heart, mind, and consciousness while doing her energy work remotely every day over the course of the 14 days from the 15th to the 28th of the month each month.
Based upon our participants’ feedback, fantastic results have been generated for them from the Energy Healing Transmissions on Abundance & Prosperity, channeled by Master Mu as additional value. Here are some examples: more money from more clients, bonuses or raises from work, surprise gifts, unexpected opportunities, better relationships, healing from stubborn health issues, greater mental clarity, having much more energy, sleeping like a baby, great improvement from a deep depressed state, spiritual transformation, saved rent, overall sense of peace and calm leading to more abundance, much more enjoyable and fulfilling new jobs. 

If you are new and have not met Master Mu in person yet, we recommend that you email us a recent photo of yourself (without sunglasses). This will help deepen Master Mu's connection with you so that you will receive the optimal benefits from Master Mu's Energy Healing Transmissions as a bonus.

As an extra benefit, the participants need to tune in and mentally connect with Master Mu during the time periods of transmissions. 

(2) Via teaching of powerful practices to attract more money, abundance, prosperity and acquire Divine Protection and sharing of Divine Messages. 

Participants will receive 1) Modules of Master Mu's teaching corresponding to the Energy Healing Transmission (as additional value) theme of the month , over the course of 14 days from the 15th to the 28th of the month, with access to the recording in their online library for 3 months each. 2) Updates and New Divine Downloads either via the teaching modules, live webinar or recording, with access to the recordings for 3 months each.

The more you practice, as instructed by Master Mu, the more amazing benefits you will receive. Please click HERE for the Foundation's policy on what a registered student can do with the recordings.
This Program is ongoing every month and you are welcome to apply for participation at this time. The new year's monthly Empowerment Program on “Mastering Qi for More Prosperity and Abundance” starts right after the New Year. The year-long empowerment program has been designed and guided to work directly with each participant’s New Year’s Resolutions or Personal Plan or Business Plan to help them reach their big dreams and grand goals in the areas of Abundance and Prosperity, with great Feng Shui and Divine Protection.
Over the course of the 14 days from the 15th to the 28th of the month each month, our registered students will receive various modules of Master Mu's teaching. Participants receive access to the teaching modules via their online library on our website. Live webinars or classes are conducted whenever Master Mu is guided by the Divine to teach updated practices and share new Divine Messages and participants will be notified via email before such live webinars. Video recordings are provided after the live webinars and can be viewed as many times as the participant would like to for three months after each one. The rest of the program is done by Master Mu remotely via channeling the Energy Healing Transmissions to the participants as a bonus every day from the 15th to the 28th of the month each month.

Master Mu does the remote energy work on the participants every day over the course of the 14 days from the 15th to the 28th of the month and channels the corresponding Energy Healing Transmissions for Abundance and Prosperity as additional value.

Participants' Time:
(a) Every day from the 15th to the 28th of the month each month, as a participant, you need to simply stay connected with Master Mu mentally and open to the Energy Healing Transmissions for Abundance and Prosperity that Master Mu channels for you as an added benefit, and
(b) Over the course of the 14 days from the 15th to the 28th, the teaching modules of the month on Abundance and Prosperity are added to the participants' online library, with access for 3 months each. When Master Mu is guided by the Divine to teach new content or share new messages on Abundance, either live or via webinar on Zoom, the participants will receive email notifications ahead of time to attend the workshop or webinar to learn advanced practices and techniques to attract more Abundance & Prosperity from Master Mu. All registered students will be provided with access to the recordings of the new webinars or live workshops which can be viewed as many times as the students would like to for 3 months each.

Special Notes:
1) In case we run into a schedule conflict with any of the pre-scheduled live webinars or workshops, we will give you advance notice and present you with the recording. You will have access to the recording for 3 months.

2) If for any reason the Internet goes down while the live webinar is taking place, we will make a replacement recording for you soon afterwards and make it available for your access for 3 months as well. ​


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At the comfort of your own home (or any place that has Internet connection), via a device such as a computer, smart phone, or any other tablet for the teaching modules, live webinars or workshops. For the rest of the program, simply connect with Master Mu mentally wherever you are, while she channels the Energy Healing Transmissions for Abundance and Prosperity for you as additional value every day during the 14 days from the 15th to the 28th of each month.

How Much?

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More and more people are requesting private sessions with Master Mu. Due to her busy schedule with limited time available, Master Mu has declined most requests for private sessions so she can make herself available to do more good for more people in group settings to help them restore abundance financially, spiritually, energetically, emotionally, and physically. We are offering this program to the qualified individuals in this format to ensure that the participants will receive Much Greater Value than their investment.
A participant’s investment for the monthly Empowerment Program for Mastering Qi for More Prosperity and Abundance is $333 a month, which is only a small fraction of the benefits, considering how powerfully effective the practices, techniques, and the extra benefit of Energy Healing Transmissions have proven to be bringing in more money, abundance, prosperity, and protection to the participants.
The tuition is due by 3 PM Pacific Time on the 13th of the month. Please set up an automatic payment for the monthly payment with your credit card or debit card via PayPal, for this year-long program.

Who can participate?

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This Program is by invitation or by application. If you are familiar with Master Mu's work and have expressed strong interest in participating in the Abundance Program, we send you an Invitation by email to participate in the program after Master Mu has received a Yes from the Divine in her meditation. If you have not received an invitation by email or if you are new, you are welcome to click HERE to apply for participation in the program.  Upon reviewing your application and receiving Divine Guidance on whether you are deemed ready to join the program, we will notify you right away.  As soon as you are notified that you have been approved to enroll, you can then register.

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on Mastering Qi for More Prosperity and Abundance


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