A very special day is coming up on Saturday, April 27th, which is World Tai Chi & Qi Gong Day. 

We will be celebrating it together with twenty world-class Tai Chi and Qi Gong teachers, including our own beloved teacher, Master Cathy Mu. 

Our FREE summit will be dedicated to the theme of Abundance thorough Being in the Flow. It will be a 12-hour all-day online event.

Let's celebrate it together at World Tai Chi & Qi Gong Summit. Please go to to register today! 

Master Mu's presentation details:

  • Saturday, April 27th, in the mid to late afternoon, Pacific Time.
  • Subject: How to Master Your Qi for More Abundance and Prosperity.
  • Description: Join Master Mu as she shares her wisdom to help you master "the Art of Abundance" and "the Energy of Money". If you want to enrich and revitalize the quality of your life, you will benefit from her simple, yet powerful, approach to achieving a healthy, wealthy, happy, fulfilled, and meaningful life.

We look forward to your joining us! 

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