Testimonials For Classes On

Releasing Spirit Attachments

Healing Your Body, Mind, And Soul
69,000 and Counting
Master Mu Has taught internationally at many Conferences and has been a featured guest speaker on countless shows, both Television and Radio
5 Star Ratings

Workshop on Spirit Attachments Clearing: Healing Your Body, Mind, and Soul

The purpose of the workshop is to help you with your healing from the following:

• Chronic depression, anxiety, insomnia, or chronic fatigue;
• Unexplainable fear, stress, emotional instability, or suicidal feelings;
• Difficult-to-diagnose-or-treat illnesses;
• Digestive disorders, or hypertension;
• Career difficulties, obstacles, or accidents;
• Problems with spouse, family, or other interpersonal relationships.

At the class, you will

• Learn special methods to impart forgiveness to the souls of the deceased attached to you;

• Learn how to send love and purifying energy to souls of the deceased to facilitate their moving on to an appropriate destination;

• Participate while Master TianJia Mu uses specific Universal techniques to safely and lovingly release the attached spirits and help them complete the process;

• Learn how to protect yourself from being attached by the souls of the deceased in the future.

Brief intro on spirit attachments:

Most spiritual traditions, as well as modern sciences, teach that life is comprised of both the physical world and the energetic world. 

All humans, animals and plants have their own life forces, known as souls or spirits. When the physical body dies, the spirit needs to journey back into the Light in order to move on to their appropriate destinations. 

When difficult circumstances occur at the time of death, the souls of the deceased can get stuck in this dimension without a physical body. 

When these Earth-bound spirits come into close proximity to humans and other living beings, they may attach to our bodies and thus drain energy from us, creating a wide range of physical and psychological problems which can be chronic and difficult to diagnose or treat, including but not limited to those mentioned above.
How do you know if this workshop is for you? Typical symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following:

Feeling weak physically;
• Chronic fatigue;
• Cold hands/feet (even in summer when it's very hot);
• Sleep disturbances: severe insomnia uncontrollable by sleeping medication; still feeling tired after sleep; frequent nightmares; lots of sexual dreams at night and waking up the next day feeling tired or having low energy level (which can lead to diseases in male or female reproductive organs); or sleeping too much;
• Chronic depression and anxiety;
• Digestive disorders;
• Difficult-to-diagnose-or-treat illnesses;
• Chronic pain;
• Pain that moves about;
• Pain that feels heavy;
• Pressure pain;
• Stinging pain;
• Burning pain;
• Decreased sensitivity to pain;
• Numbness;
• Unusual or dulled sensations;
• Change in personality or habits: choosing to dress in outlandish style or in the style of the opposite sex or of a much older person, or to wear hairstyles of the opposite sex;
• Change of appearance: face asymmetrical; pale or ashen complexion; or a strange look in the eye;
• Hormonal imbalance: premature menopause, irregular menstruation;
• Prone to accidents, including car accidents;
• Cold, shivering body;
• Unexplainable fear;
• High blood pressure that is sudden in onset. Systolic sometimes up to 200mmHg or higher and is not controllable with medication;
• Excessive irritability;
• Quick to anger;
• Emotions become easily out of control;
• Sudden decrease or disappearance of sexual drive;
• Excessive sexual drive;
• Preferring same sex partner;
• Sudden super strength ability;
• Sudden loss of strength;
• Fear of sunlight;
• Favoring nighttime;
• Fear of heat;
• Excessive alcohol drinking;
• Excessive cigarette smoking;
• Excessive coffee drinking;
• Drug addiction;
• Loner;
• Low self-esteem;
• Chronic depression;
• Suicidal tendency;
• Radically changeable, self-contradictory, indecisive;
• Auditory hallucinations;
• Visual hallucinations;
• Other hallucinations;
• Lack of moderation in eating (uncontrollable);
• Sudden increase in appetite;
• Changes in voice;
• Career difficulties;
• Conflicts in marriage, family, or other interpersonal relationships.

I really enjoyed Master TianJia Mu and her manner of teaching which was filled with love.

Duane Vos

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Santa Rosa, California:

"I really enjoyed Master TianJia Mu and her manner of teaching which was filled with love. I came to class with lower back pain and walked out of class with the pain almost completely gone. This class was very good and filled with good information. Thank you to all of the Universal Grand Masters."

It was this workshop that brought me a new life full of more health and happiness than I had thought possible

Kieryn Aquila

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Healdsburg, California:

"After studying and experiencing multiple forms of alternative medicine and energy healing, it was this workshop that brought me a new life full of more health and happiness than I had thought possible. This healing brings magical beauty that you ordinarily only hear or read about."

I had been living in pain for years

Mary Gordon

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I had been living in pain for years. The next morning after the workshop, I woke up PAIN FREE."

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